Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Hey quilters....hope everyone is back safe and sound from family vacations before the hustle of "back to school". Blog tips were slow last week but thanks for sending tips this week. I had to post this info in the meantime. I received this info and the website has the most adorable miniature quilt stand holders. They have "Table Top" metal quilt stand holders plus wall hangers as well. You can purchase individual "headers" to change out seasonally. They would make adorable stands for those Christmas presents when you like to add that personal touch. Anyway, the prices are reasonable so check it out at Thanks for sending in that great Holiday tip! Keep them coming!

"Blessed Quilting from Our Home to Yours"
email tips:

Friday, July 19, 2013


Hey's hard to believe it's Friday already! Hope everyone is having a great week and getting those projects going for Christmas. Before we know it Santa will be going HO, HO, HO and if your like, you'll be going NO, NO, NO! I am determined this year to get my gifts done ahead of time due to me making gifts for other people. I can definitely say with this heat I'd rather be inside quilting :-) Anyway, here are some tips of the week along with a segment on controlling our borders. Thanks for sending in tips....keep them coming!

"Blessed Quilting from our Home to Yours"
email tips:

*Gather fabric cardboard holders from local quilt shops to use in your sewing room. Pre-wash and iron your fabrics and wrap on cardboards and you are "good to go" for your next project.
* At your next quilt meeting or retreat...make re-usable "quilt-tags" instead of just your ordinary
name tag....again a gift they can re-use....have a segment on how to make them as well.
* Save your plastic drink containers to safely dispose of your rotary cutting blades.
* Sweet quilt hanger for small projects....use a twisted cord drapery tie-back
* Use a clip-board stand to display your quilt design on table next to your sewing machine to have design to reflect on as needed.
* Organize your scraps into plastic containers by colors and prints....cut into charm squares for your next scrap quilt.

Helpful tips so we don't get "wavy borders"
* Cut your border strips to fit your top...instead of pre-cut strips
* Cut borders on the lengthwise grain of fabric are easier to bind....edges are more stable
* To help keep crosswise grain fabric stable use spray starch on fabric before cutting.
* While laying your quilt layers together for basting/ on a smooth/flat surface

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Hey's hard to believe it's July already. I was in a store the other day and Christmas décor is already out. With the birth of our Grandson Davin, I designed this quilt for his first Christmas. It's a fast and easy pattern and is absolutely adorable when finished. You can personalize it with your family's names or makes an adorable gift to in laws with the grandchildren's names on it as well. Pattern will be 10% off the month of July to help you get a "jump start" on your Christmas Gifts! We are also offering 10% off custom orders this month if you do not wish to make the pattern yourself.
Email me to receive mailing instructions. Enjoy!

"Blessed Quilting from our Home to Yours"

52 X 60
Copyright, Children's Couture by Cat, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013


Hey quilters...Thank God I Quilt and it's Friday!....hope everyone had a great week. I've received several tips this week. Always remember....they may be old news to an experienced quilter but someone just starting out may really appreciate your tips. Sometimes sharing our mistakes can really be a time saver for someone else. Also, wanted to share my "cutting table" that my husband made me from  his Grandfather's 3/4 bed. Doug made a table insert to go between the headboard and footboard. The 3/4 bed was hand made and carved from his grandfather. We are estimating it's at least 90 years old. Now that's re-purposing and twice treasured. The cutting table is a hit when the quilting ladies come over! Recently submitted photo/article to Fon's and Porter Tip T.V. segment and they replied back this morning that it's going on to the producer. If we get selected for the tip segment we receive a year's subscription to their magazine. Wish us luck!
Anyway, thanks so much for sending in your tips. Keep them coming!

"Blessed Quilting from our Home to Yours"
email tips:

* Attach scraps from quilt on the back of the quilt that can be later used from patching if needed along with your quilt label.
* Use your ironing board along side your sewing table to help balance the weight of quilt while machine quilting
* The dollar store has garden gloves that are rubber backed that are great to use while machine quilting (rubber helps grip fabric while free-motion quilting)
* Always cut your strips on the bias for curved applique' pieces/binding curved edges. It's cut on a 45* angle to the salvage and has the most stretch (wonderful for stems, etc)
* When cutting strips for a quilt she attaches them with a small clothespins (from craft stores) to a wire hanger so they are available as needed
* Going to quilt guild mtg's with your work in progress...she takes her extra thread wound in bobbins to save on space. No need to carry the extra large spools :-)
* Puzzle mats are great for folding up your work in progress when going to workshops etc.
* When storing quilts she uses "swimming pool noodles" to help eliminate creases if folded. Wrap noodle with your left over batting to protect the quilts. Again. the dollar store has these in season right now
* Extra quilt squares ...join them together to make a charity quilt!

email me if anyone would like to know how Doug created this :-)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Hey....received this tip and have to say I personally experienced this first hand. She recommended taking your magazines once viewed (new or old) to your local hospitals, churches etc. Many hospitals have chemo centers and patients would love to view a magazine to help keep their minds off of what they are experiencing during treatments. Also, you can contact your local hospice centers to donate them to local families. Local Churches also have members that are recuperating at home and would greatly appreciate magazines to read during their down time. I know personally, during all 4 ankle surgeries that I had within the last four years, I would have gone nuts without Moms quilt books. I had healing difficulties after my surgeries and had leg elevated for several months. I went through over 150 of her quilt books and magazines. Sometimes it's the "little things" that can brighten someone's day. So recycle those magazines!
Thanks so much for sharing this great tip. Keep them coming!

"Blessed Quilting from our Home to Yours"
email tips:

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Hey....had an email in regards to the post yesterday "Tis the Season...A Gift that Keeps on Giving".
She reminded me that not everyone is a quilter and the gift idea was great for her quilting friends. She could put it together and not have to quilt anything! So true! A lot of people love the history of quilts that are not interested in learning to quilt. Thank God gave us all special talents! Thanks so much for emailing your comment. If anyone has a tip/comment please email them. That's what this is all about..."Sharing Quilting Tips w/ Friends"

"Blessed Quilting from Our Home to Yours"
email tips:

Monday, July 8, 2013


Hey quilters....I can't believe it's July already and before you know it we'll be in that holiday rush of getting the right gift for our loved ones. I personally, am going to try something new this year, gifts ready ahead of time. Anyone that knows me is probably laughing right now. Well, recently I came up with this gift giving idea for fellow quilters..."A GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING". What's amazing is that you may already have these items in your quilt room to keep the costs at a minimum. This is also a wonderful idea for quilt guilds and church fundraisers as well. Here's the best "Tip" make some ahead for that quick birthday gift that catches us all by surprise. Enjoy!

* Choose your favorite "Miniature Quilt Pattern" or get creative and design one of your own.

* Purchase or use from your "stash" a 3/4 yard of fabric that will be used as your dominant fabric and backing/binding of your miniature quilt

* For coordinating fabric of design, fan fold some "fat quarters" (18" x 20")

* Cut" binding strips" to use as ribbons to tie your gift

* Instead of bows, embellish your gift with "Yoyo's" with coordinating fabric
  " enclose instructions for making yoyo's with your gift"

* Wrap your gift using "quilt basting pins" to safely secure your gift

* If using a basket (one might use for storage in their sewing/quilting room) line it with your 1/2 yard of your dominant fabric that you chose

* Enclose batting (cut to size of your design) and coordinating quilting thread

* Design a "quilt tag" and enclose an extra one for them to use later on

Once they have completed their gift from you, they now have a gift for someone else.
"A gift that keeps on giving"...Enjoy!

"Blessed Quilting from Our Home to Yours"
email tips: