Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Quilt Pattern "Grapevines in the Garden" to embelish w/Tatting

                                                    "GRAPEVINES IN THE GARDEN"
                                                                       28.5 X 28.5
                                                     Level: Mocha Latte' (Intermediate)
                                                   Batiks by Hoffman California Fabrics
                                         copyright, CHILDREN'S COUTURE BY CAT, 2014

                                 "Exclusive design for Zig-Zag Corner Quilts & Baskets, LLC"

Hey Quilters & Tatters...sweet pattern/design to embellish grapes with tatting. Design level is Mocha Latte' due to tatting the grapes or you may choose to applique them along with the stems. Small design to use as a table square or a wonderful wall hanging as well.
Next months pattern..."Roses in the Garden"
View Tatting/Quilting designs/patterns @
View Tatting supplies at

Blessed Quilting from our Home to Yours!


Hey Quilters & Tatters...hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful sun that we've been blessed with lately. Please keep the family's of the recent tornadoes in your prayers. Life is so precious! I have to take a moment and share something so daughter Nichole passed her Special Education Test...I am so proud of the woman that she has become and then to have a gift to teach the needs of special education. She tells me "everyday they teach her" and she's blessed to be a part of their lives. So proud of you Scoobie! Anyway, today's tips are a continuation of "Tatting Tips" by Jennifer with Zig Zag Corner Quilts & Baskets...home of the "Tatting Corner" and some wonderful tips that have been emailed recently...hope you enjoy!

Using the Correct Thread:
Six-Cord Thread...(Cordonnet) consists of tightly twisted plies (six in all). A strong, firm thread is suitable for heirlooms, hard-working wearable's and decorative designs. Considered the best thread available for tatting, it is not the same as six-strand embroidery floss, which is designed to be separated into individual plies. Her six-cord threads include size 50 Cordonnet Cotton, Flora, Manuela, DMC Cordonnet, DMC Tatting Cotton and Anchor Mez.
Three-Cord Thread... Three-cord cotton such as DMC Cabelia or Opera is often used for Christmas ornaments. It has a beautiful shine and because ornaments are not usually laundered, holds up well.
Two-Cord Thread...among the two-cord threads, pearl cotton is the best-known, popular for earrings, bookmarks and other small projects not handled or washed as much as linens or wearable's.
To view more of Jennifer's Tatting Supplies visit her website@

Jennifer and I will be hosting a Quilt pattern to embellish monthly on my blog to embellish with can view designs at
I also will be posting design on blog for you along with free monthly pattern downloads as well. Remember it's all about Quilting it forward! Enjoy these recent tips...

*Wonderful Wedding gift a quilt block that her gusts can sign at the wedding and then turn that block into a pillow she can enjoy for a that tip! After all...".Quilting is creating memories to last a Lifetime"
My Spin...use your "Tatting Thread" to embellish  the pillow w/ her wedding colors :-)
*Great use of old table linens....she made a bed skirt out of a cotton lace linen...attached to frame w/ velcro for easy assembly/sewing. Loved this idea that I tried it myself!
*When working w/ Scraps that have no on wrong side of fabric...usually you can see the crosswise grain of fabric...line ruler with threads of fabric for straight cuts...thanks for sending in that tip...great for all those "Scrappin' in a Weekend" patterns that I sell on website :-)
*Create Mirror-Image of half-rectangles, position two cut rectangles wrong sides together and cut diagonally corner to corner...great tip!
*Octagon tips...always cut opposite sides of octagon first then the adjacent sides...keeps the soze of octagon accurate

Please remember if your tip is not posted it's because it was a repeat of a previous tip that was sent in by someone else...the previous blog archives can be viewed by scrolling to the left side of blog page to view all posts. Also, please state "tips" due to some go into my spam folder. As always...thanks so much for sending in your tips...great to share time-saving tips among friends!

"Blessed Quilting from our Home to Yours"
email tips to