Thursday, November 26, 2020

"Thanksgiving Blessings from my Home to Yours"

 Happy Thanksgiving quilter's....hope all is going well and you're doing good getting your Christmas presents finished. I FINALLY am able to set up my sewing room. This move has been a doozy and whoever said "downsizing" is easy, was never a quilter. The windows in my sewing room had to be replaced....but so thankful it's done. Supposedly "Gecko" proof. Which is a joke if you've ever been to Florida! Those little beasts come out of anywhere! I thought scorpions were bad in Texas but least they don't "jump" out at you. I have one in our outside laundry room "aka she shed" that literally stares at me while I'm loading clothes. Yes, I know it's the same one 'cause he's in the same place but yet I can't seem to catch him! Sometimes you just gotta laugh amongst all the chaos! 

Needless to say it will be a miracle if my Christmas presents will get finished this year due to the move. I was upset until I realized that now I'm just one step ahead for Christmas 2021. Again, still trying to laugh and not cry! One good thing with this crazy move it did allow me to work on my quilt-a-long designs with my downtime. I figured if I didn't have a spot to sew then I could perfect the designs while waiting on my EQ7. Yes, I know....everyone's on "8" but I can't help it....I still love my 7 :-) 

In the meantime.....please know that I'm so thankful & grateful for all the support and positive thoughts through this crazy time. I'm excited about this week,. finish organizing the sewing room and realizing maybe "quilting in tiny spaces" might make me be a bit more creative and come up with something even extra special :-)  Well, enjoy your day and pop back in soon!

Happy Thanksgiving & Blessed Quilting from my Home to Yours,


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Monday, May 18, 2020


Hey quilter's....hope all is well and you are adjusting to our "new norm." Honestly, I'm realizing that the quote "everyday is a new day' has a bit more meaning. I'll admit that I've prayed more then I ever have and if you know me that's huge! I'll also admit that I've been in my kitchen more then my sewing room and that is not always a good thing :-) But today, it is. I'm sharing my stress free project that I did over the weekend. I've made my broccoli cheese soup a bit healthi-r. Tweaking my recipes healthi-r was a project that I started before the chaos and have to admit I am so thankful that I did. When I'm stress....I tend to cook and bake,,,,not alway's a bad thing but can be :-) One reason why I love calories gained & so much fiber for your diet!
Well....I'd love for you to pop on over to my cooking blog for this healhi-r soup. This is such a easy recipe to make even while you're quilting or take to a "quilter's pot luck." Hope to do that again soon! Anyway, my quilt-a-long is almost finished and will be posting soon! I have to admit that I'm very excited about this one :-)
Stay safe & positive! Hugs!

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,
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 "Toasted Almond Broccoli Cheese Soup"
w/ Nature's Eat's Sliced Almonds

Saturday, March 28, 2020

'CLEANING Old School w/ Baking Soda"

Hey quilters....hope all is going well. I just posted some cleaning tips while using Baking Soda. Please pop on over to my cooking and décor blog for more info. Cleaning products are a bit scarce right now so I hope this helps! I'll soon be posting a small quilt-a-long to do while we are all "sheltered in place." Lord only know how I will be glad to get back to "normal chaos."
Please stay strong....keep your faith...2gether we can get through anything!

Blessings from my Home to Yours,

Wednesday, March 18, 2020 did I ever miss this!

Hey quilter's....hope all is going well & staying safe. It's a crazy time right now and I for one never thought I'd see something this tragic going around our world. It's hard to explain to children why you can't do this or that so keep positive and strong. I know a lot of you are home with your children due to school closings and I'm sure it can be difficult at times. I mentioned to my daughter to have "breaks" that you take just like you would at school. Children do like a routine regardless of what they say. They are used to seeing their friends...sharing stories & laughing together. This is a time for us adults to come strong & positive for our children. Try to use this time to teach a child to "quilt." I'm currently "spring cleaning" my sewing room & that's how I came across this add for quilt-opoly. I seriously don't know how I ever missed this one! Maybe this is a time to break out the "old fashioned" games....puzzles...take a break....laugh a bit so you stay positive & strong for your family. I know "dominos" is a tradition in our family & much as I hate to admit it, my 9 yr. old grandson beats me every time! And yes, I'm just as guilty of being on the internet for entertainment but I do love the togetherness of an old fashioned evening of board games with family. Create these special moments with your family because before you know it we'll all be back to the hustle & bustle again. I'm actually looking forward to that moment :-)
Take care!

Quilt Blessings from My Family to Yours,
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Friday, March 13, 2020

Cats "Fun-Friday Tip"....AURIfil thread & Fabric Markers

Hey quilter's....hope all is well & enjoying spring break. I've been working on my Christmas designs and been testing some fabric markers. I have to say, I fell in love with this brand & quality. They not only coordinate with my AURIfil thread that I'm using but the "dual tip" make writing a breeze. I tested in warm water in "washing machine"even with some whites and they did not "bleed." Don't know if you need to go that extreme but you know me my "OCD" aka Only Cat Does, kicks in a lot! :-) The convenience of the dual tip is what I love. I was needing to do some accents around the fabric by hand & these fabric markers made it easy. The dual tips, brush & extra-fine tip worked perfectly so I had to share! (Always follow manufactures directions when using)

It's always a great day while sewing with AURIfil thread!

Tip: these markers will be used on my "Christmas Quilt-a-long w/Cat" so if you don't already have some, I purchased these at "Walmart."

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,
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Monday, March 2, 2020

"Calories Count & So Do You!" Inspirational quote!

Hey everyone....we'll we're off to a start of a new inspirations to help keep us on target. Recently, someone said "she wasn't anybody" and I have to say it hit home. Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves and we need to remember we are human. I've had to take my own advice on several occasions. We don't plan the day to upset someone or make mistakes. Life is full of challenges and we need to remember if something bad happened "yesterday" it won't happen "today" 'cause we are now aware of the situation...whatever it may be.
I've had several sweet emails for my "weight loss journey" & first have to say "thank you" & please keep us in your thoughts & prayers. It doesn't matter if you need to loose 5 or 10 pds. or none at's all about motivating each other. I know without my daughter's help, this journey would be difficult. I also know with the Grace of God that I can get through anything. I love the quote "It's a new day....a new chance to make it right." I'll be posting some "healthi-r recipes" this week. I've been "tweaking" some of my favorites getting ready for the upcoming holiday's. That's usually when I "get off track." So let's do this 2gether & always remember...
"Calories Count & So Do You!
Inspirational quote 4 the week ;-)

Blessed Cooking from My Home to Yours,
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Friday, February 28, 2020

"Cats Fun-Friday Tip"

Hey quilters....hope you're weekend is off to a great start. A little while ago....while "trying" to thread my sewing machine needle......I realized how bad my eye sight has gotten. I'm not sure if you have that problem yet but I can definitely admit "I do" ;-) The funny thing is I even forgot my own sewing tip on threading the eye of a needle faster! Please try this technique 'cause it actually works. Pic below is how I felt when I finally accomplished the task. I feel that I lost 20 minutes of my life that I will never get back :-) I kept telling myself it's just thread and a can do this :-)
Anyway...for those of us that do sew with an extra light, I have found out that if you shut your lamp off (not your machine light) you won't have so much glare on your machine to thread your needle. Plus it definitely helps as well to place a white piece of paper behind your needle. This will help you see the "eye of the needle" better. Seems so silly but it definitely works. Well, I hope you have some fun sewing/quilting projects lined up for the weekend. I'm almost done designing my 2020 Quilt-a-long and will be posting soon!

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,
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Thank God....I just threaded my needle!!! :-)