Friday, August 13, 2021

Need a easy recipe to take to a Quilt function? My Rustic Chicken Pot Pie!

 Hey quilter's...hope your week is going well. I wanted to share my Rustic chicken pot pie recipe with y'all. I'm hoping "quilt gatherings....pot lucks etc." will happen more & this is a d'lish recipe...easy to do & freezes well. Don't let the pie crust intimidate me it's easy but everyone will compliment you! So pop on over to my cooking blog to see how fun & easy this recipe is. Enjoy!

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Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,


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Friday, August 6, 2021

"How's your Scrap Pile doing?"

 Hey quilter''s Friday! I love this "quilting humor" below 'cause it sums me up right now. I recently finished a birthday gift for my daughter (pattern coming next week) & used a lot of my Batik scraps for a coastal design. Oh my goodness....didn't even make a "dent." I'm very happy with this "scrap challenge" series although it can be a bit frustrating when you don't sew fast enough to see results. I guess I should hush and be 'thankful" that I do have fabric scraps! Check in next week for a very oriented gift to make! Have a great weekend!

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,


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Thursday, August 5, 2021

Cat's Tip of the Day..."Rotary Cutting Small Incriments"

 Hey quilter's....hope your week is going well. This week while rotary cutting "small increments", which I would rather not :-) I forgot my own tip. I messed up a perfect square due to not cutting the 1/4 " seam first. I know, sounds so simple. But sence I've gotten into the habit of cutting my "small increments" first then my whole increments things go a lot smoother. Maybe it's my age...who knows! I do stress this technique for new quilter's getting used to rotary cutting. Just helps in the long run so you don't make mistakes like me. Although if you just have another piece of "scrap fabric" :-) I also like to share that "rubber backed gardening gloves" are also wonderful while using a rotary cutter. Helps with slipage of the rule when cutting and protects your fingers. Yes...I do know the horrible feeling of a rotary cutter. Kids gardening gloves work great for small hands.

Have a great week!

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,


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Here's what I do....

Alway's square up your fabric edge

Rotary cut your sm increment (1/8, 1/4, 1/2) then measure out and rotary cut your whole number. 

Hope this tip helps!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

My "Scraps" are Growing!

 Hey quilter's....hope all is well. I've been working on a design that I'll be sharing next week & I had to laugh. While I'm using my "stash"....I looked on my cutting table & my "scrap" pile looked larger then when I started. Oh my gosh....I did laugh although I felt defeated. I hope that I'm not the only one that feels like this from time to time :-) Sharing a little humor below to give us a little "encouragement." I consider myself "a lady" although I am "sharing" the fact that my "Scraps/Stash is Growing!" :-)

I'll be posting a "Summer gift"'s very "Coastal" but can flip to any design you wish. The "gift" is for my daughter's birthday so I'll post after she sees it :-)

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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Scrapin w/Cat..."Aurifil thread scraps 2 Aurifil Art!"

 Hey quilter's hope y'all are having a great week. I've been trying the quilting trend of Quilt Art. I recently finished a wall quilt and had loose ends of Aurifil threads. (see pic) My machine does not have an automatic thread cutter and I hate to "throw away" the scraps of thread. My "scrap threads" had a pretty hue all in a pile and all I could invision was "Blue Coral." This project is very "theraputic" especially for me doing things a little bit at a time. I designed this to be more "wall art" so doing a border with my scraps of "wood grain fabric" gave it the look of a "wood frame." I used Insul-Bright for the batting due to it's stiffness for hanging. I did not "quilt" over the thread as some quilt art is due to wanting a 3-D design with the coral. This is the first project of my "Coastal Wall Art" & you know's not perfect but "being imperfect if perfect" for me! :-) I hope you save your "thread scraps" & have fun creating your own "thread art." Enjoy!

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,


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Here's all you need...

Sraps of Aurifil 50 weight 2710, 1320, 4093, 4663, 1126.

Scraps of Hoffman Batik #2670 (Frost) rotary cut to 7 x 7

Scrap of Wood Grain Fabric for back...rotaty cut to 9 1/2 x 9 1/2

Insul-Bright...rotary cut to 9 1/2 x 9 1/2 

Scraps for borders/binding (instructions for cutting below)

Fabric glue

Shells or your desired decor

Here's all you do...

Rotary cut strips of your desired "first border" to 1 X 7 1/2, 1 x 7 3/4, 1 x 8, 1 x 8. 

Using the "log cabin method" and right sides together, sewing with a 1/4" seam allowance, sew the first strip to bottom of & trim as needed.

Then sew the second 1 x 7 3/4) strip to left side of block using same method as above.

Next third strip (1 x 8) to top of block, using same method.

Last sew right side strip ( 1 x 8 )....same method and press when needed. 

Rotary cut strips of wood grain fabric for border/binding using the same "log cabin method" and sew as above. This will form your "picture frame look." See pic.

2 1/2 x 8 (bottom), 2 1/2 x 10 (left), 2 1/2 x 10 (top), 2 1/2 x 12 (right)

Press and your square should finish out approximately 12 x 12 (machines tend to be different)

Now place your back piece of fabric (front side down)
Then your insul-bright
Next your front square on top.
Using the same "log cabin method) fold over your bottom edge to back a 1/4...finger press and use clips or pin in place once you achieve about a inch border on front side. 
Then do the same with left side of block....then top of block and then right side.
Once you have the "picture frame as desired" then sew in the "ditch" on front of block around borders to catch seam from front to back. You can also use a "zig zag" stitch so you don't need to be so precise.
Remember...being "imperfect is perfect" what you are comfortable with. 
Once this is complete you may "notice" certain parts of seam did not catch on the back side of block, well no worries...this is why we have "fabric glue"....use as's wall art so we're not washing it :-)
Now the fun begins....before you begin....if you have "back issues" like me, I reccommend placing your block on a small cutting board of hard surface that you can move around with if needed. This step is very theraputic but a bit time consuming so if you need to sit down this tip will help :-) 
Now depending on your design....start spreading the "scraps of threads" to your desired design. I love blue coral and tried so hard to accomplish the look of coral moving throughout the ocean. Once I did achieve my desired design, I then used touches of "fabric glue" to hold threads in place. Use your desired method. 
Hang as desired.
Remember....have stress & "being imperfect is perfect" :-)

Keep following for my "Coastal Designs"

Monday, July 26, 2021

"Quilting Humor to start the week"

 Hey quilter's....hope y'all had a great weekend and your Monday is off to a great start. I had to share this "stash humor" especially with the "Scrap Series" that I'm doing. Recently I've been "organizing" my stash for projects and I had to laugh at some "fabric pieces" that I found. I couldn't believe how tiny they were! I'm sure I had "high hopes" at the time :-) The "quilting humor" below does make me feel I'm not the only one that "feels the need" to hide their precious fabrics :-) Have a great week!

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,


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Sunday, July 25, 2021

"When doc takes away reach for your Scraps & AURIFIL thread!"

 Hey quilter's....Sunday Blessings to all & boy do I need them! Recently, my doc "removed" bacon from my diet. After I stopped laughing I then realized how serious he was. It's been rough....22 day's & I'm still alive. He didn"t say I couldn't "smell" it though :-) Well the last pic below is how I'm getting though this :-) But for me it's Fabric & Aurifil thread!

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