Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Hey everyone....hope all is well. Crazy rainy weather here in Texas! I'm excited to say that I'm collaborating with Nature's Eats products for my "weight loss journey." You'll be seeing some of my original recipes tweaked  healthi-r. I've been on this weight loss journey since last October and I've lost "10 pds." I'd be a bit more excited if I didn't have 40 more pds. to go. Well honestly, 30 is probably more realistic but why shoot low...right? :-)….I'm blessed to have my daughter Nichole as my "life coach." She's always been the one that keeps me motivated....positive & focused! I'm excited to be sharing Nature's Eats products. They are all natural ingredients to use while baking & Cooking. I'm extremely excited 'cause if you know me....baking & cooking brings me joy! I've realized that "loosing weight" does not mean you "sacrifice taste"'s all about using the "right ingredients."...#NaturesEats! So wish me luck....say a few prayers....send me positive thoughts to keep me focused. It'll be a long journey but I'm extremely positive about this new chapter in my life!....#Cat'sCookingHealthi-R w/Nature's Eats!
 Positive note....amazing healthy recipes to take to functions, aka...."Quilt Meetings." :-)

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,
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Products I love!

Saturday, February 15, 2020


Hey quilters....hope you're enjoying your Saturday. I just posted on my cooking blog a "healthy granola" recipe. I know if you're like me snacking and quilting go hand and hand. Hard habit to break and please email me your success tips if you don't do this :-) I named the recipe..."Be still my heart granola" after my grandson Davin. Pop on over to my cooking blog for the sweet story and recipe.
My 2020 Christmas Quilt-a-long is almost finished....keep checking in!
Have a wonderful quilting weekend!

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,
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"Be still my heart granola"

Wednesday, February 12, 2020


Hey quilters....hope all is going well & you're staying warm or if you're in Texas...Dry! We've had some crazy weather lately....5 inches of rain within 2 days. If I could only bottle some up for our hot days! Well....Valentine's Day is upon us and if you need a "sweet gift" for a fellow quilter, I've got you covered! Chocolate covered veggies that is! Plus, I fully believe in "gifting" my favorite AURIfil thread. (pic has red 50 weight #2260 & pink 50 weight #2588)….AURIfil has so many weights and hues to choose so you cannot go wrong with this gift idea! The veggies I used were radishes, carrot & almond slices. All the recipes were used with sugar free chocolate and you can view all steps on my cooking blog. This is a fun, sweet gift for any crafter!
Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

Blessed Quilting from my Home to Yours,
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#Perfect Gift!

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Hey quilter's....hope your week is off to a great start. Recently I posted on my cooking and décor blog..."Rooster = matter what style." It made me think back to some amazing quilt shows I've attended. Quilting has developed into modern art and the techniques used are stunning. I love roosters and have them incorporated through out my home. I would love to "someday" design a rooster pillow. Yes, I believe that is on my list for this year....right after I finish my Christmas quilt-a-long for 2020! In the meantime below are some pics of rooster quilt art that I googled and a pattern if you'd like to start a rooster project. Some of the techniques used appear to be paper pieced and raw edge favorite!
Have a great week & check back soon!

Blessed Quilting from my Home to Yours,
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Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Hey quilter's....hope all is well. I wanted to share my quilt inspiration for this years quilt-a-long. I'm still in the designing stage and wrapping it up during my recovery from back surgery. Had second surgery yesterday and keeping positive! During the recent holiday's, I came across this quote below and it inspired me for my next quilt-a-long. The words "kindness" and "covers"....just made me think of a quilt. No matter how complicated or simple a quilt is, it's definitely pieced together with a whole lot of love. Plus....per your request, the design is fun & fast with beginner to advanced techniques. The "snow flakes" will be pieced and appliqued (my easy technique) so you can do squares at your own pace. This would make a great "scrappy" quilt if you have a lot of "blue" hues. As I always's your designs are just to inspire your own creativity! Anyway, keep checking back and hope to finish design soon!

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,
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Wednesday, January 1, 2020


Hey quilter's.....wanted to wish everyone a Blessed 2020 & to say "thank you" for following my blog & for the emails. Especially for the prayers during my back issues. My downtime has made me create but still fabulous designs....per your request....easier projects. Definitely not a problem :-) My back issues has me limited to sitting and sewing/quilting but with the grace of  God, all is good! I'm excited about my new designs for this year! Lot's of gift ideas and of course Christmas ideas all year! I'm known for my Christmas Quilting 365 :-)….I'd like to do a special "thank you" to everyone following and please email if you have any ideas you'd like to share or q's. My passion is design & sharing quilting tips among friends!
Thank you.....U.S. Russia....Ukraine...France....Germany....Canada....Mexico....Japan...Poland...United Kingdom....Italy...Thailand....Netherlands
May we all be Blessed with another fun quilting year!

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,
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Tuesday, December 31, 2019


Hey quilters....hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and is enjoying the last day of 2019. This year has flown by for me. Had great times and of course some "issues" that I'm dealing with now. I always try to turn a negative into a positive. It's not always easy but in this case being down in my back has "forced" me to design differently. I now having to do "small sewing/quilting" projects due to my back. If you've noticed, I recently pulled a "Christmas quilt-a-long"....I received several emails stating it was too difficult. Well....for once I listened :-)….plus had plenty of down time to work on my designs. So needless to say....2020 will be full of & "less complicated" projects but still fabulous! I'm actually excited myself because "small projects' make me feel like I'm getting a lot accomplished. What a great way to start off the New Year! you all know I'm obsessed with AURIfil thread. The quality is amazing and you have so many hues to choose from. Our Christmas "mishap" is a perfect example! My daughter....removing the tag from her Christmas throw....had the biggest look of disappointment that I've seen in a long time. The tag stuck so bad into the fabric that it actually "ripped" a long tear in the throw. Oh my gosh...I don't care how old your child is the look of disappointment is horrible. She says..."mom can you do something?".....Because AURIfil thread is so "amazing"...I go to my thread holder and AURIfil 50 weight #1126 was a perfect match! Oh my gosh....we got so excited! I'm addicted to AURIfil 50 weight's so versatile for any sewing or quilting project. So....I hand sewed the seam with the thread to prevent any other tearing of the fabric.....Her "Christmas throw" is perfect in my mind 'cause sometimes a little "mishap" creates some fun Christmas memories. Below is a pic of the throw & I'm not bragging but it looks pretty good :-)...the huge tear was below rear tire.
 So thank you AURIfil thread for creating such an "Amazing thread!"
Looking forward to some & fabulous projects 2gether!

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,
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