Hey everyone...hope all is going well. Life has been a tad bit crazy these past months with the passing of my dad and a "oopsie" of tearing the tendons in my hand. Needless to say I've had a lot of down time to really think and put things in perspective. My dad was and will always be my hero. He fought the war....cancer and contributed so much for people. I'm going to try not to get mooshy but a funny story about him was he would "support the girl scouts." Yes...we all know what that would mean...he would stock his freezer with girl scout cookies. His reason was..."I'm supporting the kids" :-) I can honestly say that I get my sweet tooth from him. Lately, I've been thinking what am I going to leave for my family and even future grandchildren. You never know when it's your time. I've made quilts for the grandkids and t-shirt quilts...given quilts to friends when they've been blessed with a baby but what else can I do for the ones that I may never get to meet. Probably sounds weird but I've been designing quilts that my family can pass to my future generation. The way I look at it is this....if the good lord blesses me to still be here upon the arrival of a "great-grandchild" then I've already have their gift made. So...if anyone knows me by now means I'll be using "scraps" to create some unique designs. Well I hope that maybe I've inspired some to follow and do the same. As we all know...snuggling up to a quilt is priceless, especially when it's made for you by a loved one. Oh...follow along on my cooking blog 'cause I'll be sharing how I'm creating a recipe book as well. Come along on this journey with me and lets have some fun together!
Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,
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