Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Cats Scrapin' "a-play-que' series"

 Hey quilter's...hope all is going well. I'm slowly getting things going again but with major limitations. But that's definitely life! My dear dad always said, "don't stress about things you can't change." That is definitely true, but I now say "thank God for pain meds" :-) oops! Anyway, I'll be starting my "a-play-que series" that will consist of easy & fun ways to creative 'small projects" with applique techniques. All projects can be easily enlarged but I do projects on a very small scale these days due to my back limitations. I did need to get a bit more creative but then I decided small projects are great for the kiddos to learn sewing techniques plus rewarding for a fun fast project. My projects will be using scrap fabrics and also featuring the wonderful AURifil thread. I am addicted to the 50#....I can't brag enough on the strength and so many color hues to choose from. I was so pleased on how the thread complimented the scraps of Michael Miller Fairy Frost fabrics (pic below). The quilt design below is actually a baby quilt size that I'll be doing for a fundraiser but you can easily enlarge the design if you wish or use same technique for a table runner...pillow...endless possibilities! Please don't let this design scare you...I'll be teaching my "folding technique" for no square piecing. What!'ll be amazed. Shhh...but there's no "quilting police" invited in this series! Ha! But you can totally piece each individual square if your heart desires :-) Anyway, I'll be teaching easy techniques and showing advanced tips as well. Remember..."less-stress-quilting." I'll also be starting this series with an easy project using the same fabric scraps and AURifil thread making a "Beach Towel Pillow"...this is a great fun project for a girl or boy and a great gift. That's what I'll be doing...what kiddo wouldn't like a custom beach towel that can also "stash your goodies" in while you're at the beach or pool. 

So grab your "scraps" and AURifil thread and lets "a-play-que" 2gether this summer!

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,


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Thursday, April 28, 2022

"A quilt...Sew Simple but leaves your legacy"

 Hey everyone...hope all is going well. Life has been a tad bit crazy these past months with the passing of my dad and a "oopsie" of tearing the tendons in my hand. Needless to say I've had a lot of down time to really think and put things in perspective. My dad was and will always be my hero. He fought the war....cancer and contributed so much for people. I'm going to try not to get mooshy but a funny story about him was he would "support the girl scouts." Yes...we all know what that would mean...he would stock his freezer with girl scout cookies. His reason was..."I'm supporting the kids" :-) I can honestly say that I get my sweet tooth from him. Lately, I've been thinking what am I going to leave for my family and even future grandchildren. You never know when it's your time. I've made quilts for the grandkids and t-shirt quilts...given quilts to friends when they've been blessed with a baby but what else can I do for the ones that I may never get to meet. Probably sounds weird but I've been designing quilts that my family can pass to my future generation. The way I look at it is this....if the good lord blesses me to still be here upon the arrival of a "great-grandchild" then I've already have their gift made. So...if anyone knows me by now means I'll be using "scraps" to create some unique designs. Well I hope that maybe I've inspired some to follow and do the same. As we all know...snuggling up to a quilt is priceless, especially when it's made for you by a loved one. Oh...follow along on my cooking blog 'cause I'll be sharing how I'm creating a recipe book as well. Come along on this journey with me and lets have some fun together!

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,


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Tuesday, January 25, 2022

No Internet for 30 days....#isurvived :-)

 Hey quilter's...hope all is going well. I have to say that we just got the internet up and running again. Oh, my I've become accustomed to technology. It was a mess getting it installed but they finally finished. It's amazing how doing without the "internet" makes you stop and think of how technology has advanced. I recently thought would if the whole world shut down with no internet...what would we do...when you go to restaurants everyone is on their cell phones...airports you look around and no matter the age...everyone is on a cell phone. This past month has taught me to take a few steps back in time and relish how slow-paced life used to be, although I was seriously going nuts without internet. I couldn't blog...we had no cable.... we had to communicate (little humor) but seriously how I've become so dependent on internet. I had to laugh recently...if you ask a child what a "phone" originally looks like you would be so surprised with the answers. Well, here's the real kicker.... we had no heat. Oh my gosh, I felt like I was drafted back in time. I had to laugh when I realized "glamping" is more fun when you can prepare for it...well for me anyway. :-) So needless to say, "quilt-a-long" is taking a bit longer to start but in the meantime organize those scraps so we'll be ready together real soon :-) Have a great week!

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,


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Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy 2022 from Me to You!

 Hey quilter's...happy New Year & I hope your day is off to a great start. This holiday season was filled with lots of Joy & some sadness but that's what makes us stronger. My dear dad's wishes were to make it into the New Year & he did. Sometimes I feel that I get my "goals" from him and have to say growing up military you don't have much of a choice. He was such a strong man & now we have an angel watching and guiding over us all. He told me last week to not get upset over things you cannot change. Boy did that hit home. Although it's the best advice he's given me, I think he forgot how OCD his daughter is. I am going to take his advice to heart & really try to focus on more time for joy, which is spending time with family & quilting projects for them. Time is precious & memories do last a lifetime, so my wish is for us all is Joy in this New Year. The quote below say's is all but mine wish for us would be..."May your bobbins always be full of Aurifil thread. 

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,


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Friday, December 31, 2021

Cats New Year's Eve Quilting Inspiration

 Hey quilter's.... It's New Year's Eve....don't know if I should laugh or cry. This year has flown by for me but I'm cherishing the memories, good and bad. For me life is a daily lesson...It's how you deal with challenges creates your inner strength. I'm excited about the New Year approaching...New challenges ahead I'm sure but new days to create special memories. I recently was shown a quilt of a dear friend of mines mother. She had made this quilt with her aunt when she was young. The quilt was old, and they had repaired it along the way but still being used on her bed to this day. Honestly, that gave me the chills.... that's why I quilt. Quilter's do connect the past with the future. A quilt doesn't need to be's all about cherishing the memories that you create together while making one. My wish for us all this coming year is to pass on the quilting tradition to others. Let your legacy be cherished by someone in your family by "gifting" a quilt or handmade item from you. I for one hope my grandson Davin will do the same with the quilts that I've made for him. I'm sure he will...I tend to remind him "constantly" to cherish everything that I've made for him :-) Have a safe & Blessed New Year's Eve!

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,


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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Cats New Year Countdown Quilting Inspiration (3)

 Hey quilter's.... we're getting closer to the New year. Oh, my goodness...if you're like me this year really flew by. I did learn a valuable "quilting lesson" this year & that was not to be so hard on myself. I always try for perfection & that does tend to cause me a lot of stress. Sometimes I take more time on projects due to that and then get a bit upset at myself for not finishing others. In the "quilting world" it's called UFO's...I'm sure you've heard of all the jokes. So, this coming year I'm really teaching myself and others to "quilt w/less stress" or what I like to call it "less-stress quilting." If you've noticed my patterns lately, I've been stating that term quite a bit. My new designs for '22 will showcase patterns that will look difficult but won't be unless you decide to do the advanced stage. Totally up to you! I do believe in quality when it comes to quilting & that is why I strongly advise you trying AURifil thread if you haven't already. Excellent quality & I've never had a thread breakage even with all my applique designs. I am obsessed with the 50# with my projects but if you google their website, you have so many weights and color hues to choose from for all your sewing and quilting projects. So, this year.... let's do something together...we'll try to remember that a finished project is much better than perfect. Remember I'll probably need a "friendly reminder" throughout the year as well :-)

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,


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Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Cats New Year Countdown Quilting Inspiration (4)

 Hey quilter's...hope y'all are having a great week. I had a great Christmas with the family & already thinking about the New Year upon us. Lots of memories this year, some good & some that I could have done without but as they say, "that's life." I've learned as I've gotten a bit older is to really cherish the good time because you never know what tomorrow holds. I've lost some family members and friends this year and it really makes you think of how short life can be & what kind of legacy I'd like to leave behind. Not to get sentimental but I'm going too.... I asked my 11 yr. old grandson Davin "when Gege goes to heaven what are you going to remember me mostly of?" Well, his priceless answer was.... making quilts for me. Oh my gosh...yes, I had tears. Honestly, I was hoping he'd say that or my cooking. Well then yesterday he asked if we'd make our cinnamon-sugar-toast we do together every Christmas using cookie cutters. Yes, again the tears started to flow. Sometimes it is the "little things" they remember the most. You can never replace a handmade gift.... a pillow.... a quilt or whatever you make cause those memories will always be cherished. I hope one day he finds a great woman to continue his journey in life with that has some sewing or quilting knowledge or at least all the things I've made him last to carry on the tradition. I've learned in life to make my New Year's Resolution's not so difficult, so I don't get stressed. My plan is to pass on the quilting tradition to other's so they can pass on the "Joy "of what a quilt brings to others. It will all start this coming January with fun & easy quilting projects! 

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,


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