Monday, March 2, 2020

"Calories Count & So Do You!" Inspirational quote!

Hey everyone....we'll we're off to a start of a new inspirations to help keep us on target. Recently, someone said "she wasn't anybody" and I have to say it hit home. Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves and we need to remember we are human. I've had to take my own advice on several occasions. We don't plan the day to upset someone or make mistakes. Life is full of challenges and we need to remember if something bad happened "yesterday" it won't happen "today" 'cause we are now aware of the situation...whatever it may be.
I've had several sweet emails for my "weight loss journey" & first have to say "thank you" & please keep us in your thoughts & prayers. It doesn't matter if you need to loose 5 or 10 pds. or none at's all about motivating each other. I know without my daughter's help, this journey would be difficult. I also know with the Grace of God that I can get through anything. I love the quote "It's a new day....a new chance to make it right." I'll be posting some "healthi-r recipes" this week. I've been "tweaking" some of my favorites getting ready for the upcoming holiday's. That's usually when I "get off track." So let's do this 2gether & always remember...
"Calories Count & So Do You!
Inspirational quote 4 the week ;-)

Blessed Cooking from My Home to Yours,
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1 comment:

  1. Good morning....please keep Nashville in your prayers!
    Thank you,
