Wednesday, March 18, 2020 did I ever miss this!

Hey quilter's....hope all is going well & staying safe. It's a crazy time right now and I for one never thought I'd see something this tragic going around our world. It's hard to explain to children why you can't do this or that so keep positive and strong. I know a lot of you are home with your children due to school closings and I'm sure it can be difficult at times. I mentioned to my daughter to have "breaks" that you take just like you would at school. Children do like a routine regardless of what they say. They are used to seeing their friends...sharing stories & laughing together. This is a time for us adults to come strong & positive for our children. Try to use this time to teach a child to "quilt." I'm currently "spring cleaning" my sewing room & that's how I came across this add for quilt-opoly. I seriously don't know how I ever missed this one! Maybe this is a time to break out the "old fashioned" games....puzzles...take a break....laugh a bit so you stay positive & strong for your family. I know "dominos" is a tradition in our family & much as I hate to admit it, my 9 yr. old grandson beats me every time! And yes, I'm just as guilty of being on the internet for entertainment but I do love the togetherness of an old fashioned evening of board games with family. Create these special moments with your family because before you know it we'll all be back to the hustle & bustle again. I'm actually looking forward to that moment :-)
Take care!

Quilt Blessings from My Family to Yours,
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