Hey quilter's...hope your weekend is off to a great start. I know a lot of y'all are getting the kiddos ready for school but wanted to post the next phase of this fun table runner for the Holiday's. I'm sure your sad for the kiddos to go back. I know when my daughter went back it was a lonely time for me. Then I started projects that I wouldn't normally do to help with the transition. Being a mom is the best gift for me but it also came with guilt. Sometimes I would feel guilty if I wasn't 100% devoted. Then I realized that I've raised a wonderful independent L'l woman. It's crazy of how I always thought that I needed to be with her with everything. Then I realized...the hard way...that sometimes they need just the emotional support to help then achieve their goals in life as well. We joke to this day about the "nick-name" that we created together. Honestly...to make me feel better. She's my "little-wommie"...my daughter that is an awesome woman that still needs her mommie. Ha! I guess what I'm finally saying is "take time for yourself." I know it sounds "cliche" but you'll be suprised of how they love seeing you happy too. Sometimes working on a gift for them is a comforting transition. Making dorm room pillow or a mug mat so they think of you. Or in my case little things for them to remember to always call home :-) So if you're like me....diving into holiday projects helps keep your mind on happy thoughts. Hey...speaking of "positive thoughts." Don't forget to enter to win the awesome Christmas Template Set that Missouri Star Quilt Company has graciously gifted me to give away to one lucky winner. See previous post for the fun details. So lets get started for this fun border. I did a "scrappy border" but you could totally do a solid trip if desired. I wanted to show as much of the fun "Merry Little Christmas" fabric by Riley Blake Designs. Oh my gosh...this collection has been a blast that I'm already working on my next project...hint...hint :-) Thanks so much for following & remember if you need supplies my link to MSQC (upper right on home page) will save you 20% off $50. or more in August on most supplies. Don't forget to follow MSQC to keep up with all their awesome tutorials and project inspiration. Enjoy!
Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,
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Here's all you do...
* Sew your blocks with right sides 2gether using a 1/4" seam allowance.
* Press seams towards darker fabric.
* Repeat for "backing squares"...set aside.
Scrappy Border/Binding...
* Select from 10" squares from "Merry Little Christmas" & subcut them into a 2x10" strip.
* The scrappier the better :-)
* Set aside the scrap pieces for later project :-)
Note...the strips are 2" wide to late flip over to back side later for the border/binding finishing stage :-)
* Subcut the strips into odd sizes to create the scrappy design.
* Join strips 2gether using a 1/4" seam allowance for the Top/Bottom borders. Press.
* Sew the scrappy border piece to the Top/Bottom of runner using a 1/4" seam allowance. Press.
* Square up if needed.
* Join scrap pieces together in same method as above for your left/right borders.
* Sew to Left/Right side of runner using a 1/4" seam allowance. Press...square up if needed.
Remember get creative & have fun!
Talk soon,