Saturday, July 26, 2014

"HE" almost got away w/ it :-)

Hey...hope everyone received some rain this week....we had the dreadful combo...wind/rain...lucky not too many pine trees went down...just a mess. Anyway, for those of you that know me...know I don't post personal funnies especially when it involves "ME." But have to tell ya when they say you have a BLOG you should share all types, not just what your blog is about....share funny stories, talk about your family...get people to know you & make them feel like they are in the room with you when your blogging...hmmm...well here ya go...join me at the most funniest, embarrassing moment I've ever had in public at a hardware store...Oh, for you locals, no it wasn't Burks...Mr. Burk is way to polite to pull this FUNNY on me :-)...O.K...hubby & salesman talking about how much heat our light bulbs are putting out in our bathroom...hubby & salesman are so intense in conversation as he recommends the correct type of bulb etc...then I come walking know me standing quietly & listening...salesman goes...with all due respect's not your light bulbs it's your wife..."She's Smoking Hot" all of you are right now "laughing" so was I...then I turn to hubby & he's about to have a heart attack laughing...seriously...after I got past the "awkward moment" because I thought...O.K. I'm cracking up...hubby cracking up & this "sweet man" was serious! O.K., now what! Well if ya know my hubby he's probably saying to himself "you don't have to live w/her"...then we change the subject and state the "REAL" reason why "I" need stronger bulbs...I can't see anymore & how do you put on make-up w/glasses on! he goes again...Sir your wife doesn't need make-up...o.k...awkward moment again & we are all laughing...I'm thinking...dude just give us the stinkin' bulbs & you made a sale...well here it goes people...wait for it.....Yes, HE then tells us he has the same problem getting older...his eyes are so bad now that he "CANNOT SEE UP CLOSE & HE NOW WEARS BI-FOCALS"...yes, I'm sure you can see my hubby & I really cracking up then! you know why I had to share it & titled it..."He" almost got away w/ it :-)...well of course he was a tad bit embarrassed himself & then put his glasses on & looked at me & told hubby no seriously she doesn't need make-up....O.K....I'm thinking enough already...were buying the bulbs! As we are leaving the store...hubby & I are still laughing...then I think...wait, why am I laughing! Sometimes ya just gotta go w/ the flow...even if your the "butt end of the joke"....this is why you should shop your local stores ...Mr. Burks would not have taken it that far...he would have told my hubby....Cat's getting OLDER & this is what I recommend :-) anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend...great tips are coming in so will post this week...thanks for sharing your tips & keep them coming!
"Blessed Quilting from Our Home to Yours"

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