Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Hey quilters....I'm sure we can all use an easy last minute gift idea with Christmas fast approaching. Well, I've been working on these fun and easy "Crazy block design hot pads". They really are a lot of fun cause you can just make up the design as you go, plus what a wonderful way to use some of your "Christmas Stash". I embellished the design with 5 different decorative stitches using "Aurifil 50 weight, #2250" (excellent thread if you are not already using)...and to make it easy, I did the decorative stitches first due to the thickness of the "heat resistant pad that I will insert before adding backing and binding" you can see it's a work in progress (note: last minute gift idea) can't go wrong no matter what size you end up with...just square up with your ruler to your desired size and add your heat resistant filler, backing, binding. The decorative stitches add that sweet touch to enhance your fabric and design. I love "crazy blocks" cause you don't have to be perfect (yes, coming from a pattern designer) you just let your "artistic mind take control". Also, a wonderful project for a beginner quilter and great project for kids to do as well. You get that wonderful satisfaction of finishing something "in a day", and a wonderful gift to give to a loved one. As always, you can email me if you have any q's. Merry Christmas & enjoy the countdown 'til Santa comes!

Blessed Quilting from Our Home to Yours"


Thursday, November 27, 2014


Hey Quilter's....first of all "Happy Thanksgiving"...we celebrated earlier this week with kids/grandson Davin so they could be at home enjoying their family time. It's a little "quiet" around here, which is hard on this girl, but thankful for the blessings in our life. This post was inspired by my daughter, Nichole, who's always been my inspiration in so many aspects of my life. I'm truly "thankful" to have her as a daughter but a wonderful "side-kick" as well. Yes...when I need it most....she gives me a "swift-kick" of reality. It's always great to have someone smarter then you to keep ya in line.
Here's the funny....I was at her house and making her "grocery list", thinking I was being smart, helpful, you know the drill....writing on a piece of paper the things you need at a grocery store. Well, here she comes and say's "mom, what are you doing?" ME..."SAVING YOU TIME AND MAKING YOUR GROCERY LIST FOR YOU". Nichole laughed. Mom...seriously, this is what I do...she proceeds to get her "LAMINATED GROCERY CHECK-LIST"...What! Who does that! Obviously my intelligent daughter! She explains...I have it all categorized by my pantry goods, everyday staples, frozen foods, produce, dairy, health items, personal items etc. I just use a wipe off marker and check what I need. So much easier, plus saving money by not buying things I don't need and I'm not wasting paper. O.K....yes, I was standing with amazement on my face. First, I was so proud of her, that I created that beautiful, intelligent person standing before me. But then reality sunk in...WHAT!!!
  Mom, really you need to do this, as she's laughing. So I thought, of the "quilter's travelers check-list". So many quilter's travel and what better way then to follow her tip. I used to travel designing homes when the economy was great, and this would have made my traveling days easier.
  So here's my thought....laminate your list by your basic needs that you take with you always. Then have a space at end of paper that you can write in periodically to personalize each trip. Depending on your circumstance you may not be going to the same place, your needs will be different.
  Categorize to your project needs at that time as well. I know that might sound minimal but sometimes you might be in an area where you just can't run and grab a notion or two.
  If you travel with your machine...have extra needles, bobbins, etc. As a designer, I like to have at least 5 different colors of thread ranging from light to dark for that unexpected moment.
  MY MUST...always pack an extension cord so you can sew in the spot you are comfortable with for lighting etc. at table in room (if forget, again the counter help can supply one or maintenance crew)
   And I always "bubble wrap" my rulers and store them in between my clothing.
 * All else fails...don't get discouraged, sometimes we tend to get more creative when our options are limited.
HOTEL TIPS:...most of the time you will always have an iron...if not, ask or use your built-in (finger press)
  Table in room (sewing table)
   Circle template...use personal items to trace with for shapes, etc
   Remove fabric hairs...ask counter...they always have one for the cleaning lady!.
Hope some of these tips make your traveling day's a little easier.

"Blessed Quilting from our Home to Yours",
email your tips
Like us on Facebook...I hearditthroughthequilt-vine

Saturday, November 22, 2014

"Lovin' Fall"

Hey quilters....this is my favorite time of year...I have to say the smell of pine trees, leaves falling and changing colors, just gets me in the holiday spirit. We are getting ready for our 2015 Pattern Line to launch soon. I'm super excited to share that each design will showcase a fast/easy technique that will amaze you. I for one don't have enough time in the day and I'm sure you're the same. Keep everyone updated when they get launched. Also,
 I've recently posted some healthy and easy "treats" on my cooking blog (address below). These recipes are definitely a crowd pleasure and great to take to a holiday festivity. If you are quilting....enjoy the smell while they are baking....wonderful! Enjoy this time of year with your family and friends.
Check us out on Facebook for current updates!

Blessed Quilting from our Home to Yours!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Hey Quilter's....I hope everyone is having a great week so far. First I have to apologize to my neighbor Sarah...she emailed me the awesome tip last week & as much as it kills me to admit this...I filed the pics & could not find the "zip folder" I put them in...Yes, I know Red Moment. After going through all my folders, I finally found the pics that go with this great tip. I was scanning fabric from Hoffman & embarrassed to say.." somehow they were in that folder"... Anyway, I'm sure we all want a light box...but have you priced them? OM Godness...they are outrageously priced & my Sew Smart neighbor Sarah came up with this awesome/clever idea.
Sarah improvised her sewing machine table into a "light box". Her sewing machine table is motorized to adjust to different height levels...she took machine out & adjusted height level to fit a small lamp in...then took a picture frame ( 16 x 20) & removed the glass then taped the design to trace to the underneath side of glass then placed frame over the opening on the table...WALLAH a genius "Light Box"...that's aFForDable :-)...I was so excited when she emailed me this tip due to my Mom-in-law took hers back to Florida with her...not only is this a great idea but not all of us have that extra space to store a light Quilters...this is definitely a QDIY (quilter's do it yourself) :-)
Sarah recommends blue frog tape for easy on/off plus no residue left on glass & Plexiglas for safety...but then again...she used what she had on hand ;-)

Thanks so much Sarah for this great tip...if you have a "QDIY" please send them in...we all need them!
"Blessed Quilting from our Home to Yours"
email tips to Cat...
CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK...I heard it through the pics of projects you'd like to share!

O.k...these pics definitely are me right a security device is keeping me from uploading Sarah's sorry Quilter's but I know you have the idea & will post pics later if the meantime here's what's happening in my sewing room...
My parrot would be sayin..."WHY GOD WHY"...then in my hubbys voice Parrot will say" Honey why do you sew if you get so frustrated...then Parrot in my voice..."REALLY...go away" ;-)

Monday, August 4, 2014


Hey...I just had to share this one....I'm sure I am not the only one while sewing binding tends to get it caught up in the way. This is such a smart idea...but I have to say...a "toilet paper roll" works great ;-). Anyway, we've been blessed with rain here lately & due to this it "flushed out" four Copper Head snakes in the past three days....OM Godness....I'm sure you guys heard me screaming! Try this tip next time you are adding binding & if you have a "binding tip" to share please email me! I have some great tips to share this week & thanks so much for emailing/sharing your wonderful ideas.

"Blessed Quilting from Our Home to Yours"

"SEW smart & SEW clever"
Wrap the Binding on a section of paper towel tube, then put it on the vertical thread spindle on machine as you sew...OM's out of the way & no Tangles!!!
All my years of sewing...why didn't I think of this :-)

Saturday, July 26, 2014

"HE" almost got away w/ it :-)

Hey...hope everyone received some rain this week....we had the dreadful combo...wind/rain...lucky not too many pine trees went down...just a mess. Anyway, for those of you that know me...know I don't post personal funnies especially when it involves "ME." But have to tell ya when they say you have a BLOG you should share all types, not just what your blog is about....share funny stories, talk about your family...get people to know you & make them feel like they are in the room with you when your blogging...hmmm...well here ya go...join me at the most funniest, embarrassing moment I've ever had in public at a hardware store...Oh, for you locals, no it wasn't Burks...Mr. Burk is way to polite to pull this FUNNY on me :-)...O.K...hubby & salesman talking about how much heat our light bulbs are putting out in our bathroom...hubby & salesman are so intense in conversation as he recommends the correct type of bulb etc...then I come walking know me standing quietly & listening...salesman goes...with all due respect's not your light bulbs it's your wife..."She's Smoking Hot" all of you are right now "laughing" so was I...then I turn to hubby & he's about to have a heart attack laughing...seriously...after I got past the "awkward moment" because I thought...O.K. I'm cracking up...hubby cracking up & this "sweet man" was serious! O.K., now what! Well if ya know my hubby he's probably saying to himself "you don't have to live w/her"...then we change the subject and state the "REAL" reason why "I" need stronger bulbs...I can't see anymore & how do you put on make-up w/glasses on! he goes again...Sir your wife doesn't need make-up...o.k...awkward moment again & we are all laughing...I'm thinking...dude just give us the stinkin' bulbs & you made a sale...well here it goes people...wait for it.....Yes, HE then tells us he has the same problem getting older...his eyes are so bad now that he "CANNOT SEE UP CLOSE & HE NOW WEARS BI-FOCALS"...yes, I'm sure you can see my hubby & I really cracking up then! you know why I had to share it & titled it..."He" almost got away w/ it :-)...well of course he was a tad bit embarrassed himself & then put his glasses on & looked at me & told hubby no seriously she doesn't need make-up....O.K....I'm thinking enough already...were buying the bulbs! As we are leaving the store...hubby & I are still laughing...then I think...wait, why am I laughing! Sometimes ya just gotta go w/ the flow...even if your the "butt end of the joke"....this is why you should shop your local stores ...Mr. Burks would not have taken it that far...he would have told my hubby....Cat's getting OLDER & this is what I recommend :-) anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend...great tips are coming in so will post this week...thanks for sharing your tips & keep them coming!
"Blessed Quilting from Our Home to Yours"

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

"Make a Wish"

Hey quilters...please visit and click on Make a Wish...proceeds help grant the wishes of children with life threatening medical conditions. I personally experienced this in the design industry & have to share...when their wish comes true you just can't imagine the joy they have in their matter how much pain they are experiencing they smile...hug you & thank you for making their dreams come true. It's a true testimony to Faith. My personal wish would be that no child should ever be in pain. Please make a donation if you are able & check out the beautiful quilt that was designed. You can also download the blocks if you desire....thanks so much.
Also, please visit our Face Book page...I heard it through the Quilt-vine....I had comments that not everyone has an account to post comments here so I made a separate page for you to share your photos, tips etc. Will be posting comments for everyone to interact & the first one was...
If you were a Quilt... what would your name be....check out my comment on facebook :-)
As always...keep the tips coming!
"Blessings from our Home to Yours"