Friday, September 6, 2019

Cats Fun-Friday Tip...."Balancing Cooking,Cleaning & Quilting w/AURIfil thread"

Hey quilters....hope all is going well. Please keep praying for everyone going through this dread-full hurricane. My in-law's dodge the bullet this year but we definitely know what's it's like to worry about your loved one's especially this time of year. Recently I was talking with some of my "quilter friends" about "balancing" housework & quilting. I shared my process with them & they all had a good laugh but then said "hey, not a bad idea." So I thought I'd share my process with you. It's held up so far & truth be told if I feel stressed and behind on things, well.....I just keep my glasses off and everything looks perfect! :-) Yes, it's sad....I now clean with glasses on!
One other reason why I do this "process" is due to my back. It keeps me from sitting too long at machine so when I'm cleaning, I'm getting some exercise in as well.....right???? :-)
So here we go....if you're "addicted to AURUfil thread like me you hate to break away from your sewing/quilting projects. You know cleaning needs to be is a necessary....and as always....never enough time in the day. First pick a day that is your time to do the important things to balance your family life, mine is Fridays. I like to have a clean house for the weekend especially if someone pops in unexpectedly. Due to my back cleaning is something I have to do in moderation. So I make my "list" for the day.....I always start cleaning first which makes me get the process done and back to my sewing/quilting project. This helps "motivate" me :-) Basically it's 15 minutes of cleaning to 30 minutes of sewing/quilting. Maybe I stink at math but this "ratio" helps me "balance" my day. I feel like it's "rewarding" me by getting the "necessary tasks" done and then I don't feel so guilty working on my projects. On Monday.....I do a "fast spiff" to basically tidy up from a weekend. When you live on property it seems like dirt is always tracked in. Anyway, I hope this tip helps....most important thing to remember, for me anyway is..."be happy with what you have and enjoy every moment"....I'm always learning how to make a negative situation into a positive. I know that's life but for me....sewing and quilting with AURIfill thread seems to calm the soul :-)

Blessed Quilting from My Home to Yours,
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