Anyway, thanks so much for sending in your tips. Keep them coming!
"Blessed Quilting from our Home to Yours"
email tips:
* Attach scraps from quilt on the back of the quilt that can be later used from patching if needed along with your quilt label.
* Use your ironing board along side your sewing table to help balance the weight of quilt while machine quilting
* The dollar store has garden gloves that are rubber backed that are great to use while machine quilting (rubber helps grip fabric while free-motion quilting)
* Always cut your strips on the bias for curved applique' pieces/binding curved edges. It's cut on a 45* angle to the salvage and has the most stretch (wonderful for stems, etc)
* When cutting strips for a quilt she attaches them with a small clothespins (from craft stores) to a wire hanger so they are available as needed
* Going to quilt guild mtg's with your work in progress...she takes her extra thread wound in bobbins to save on space. No need to carry the extra large spools :-)
* Puzzle mats are great for folding up your work in progress when going to workshops etc.
* When storing quilts she uses "swimming pool noodles" to help eliminate creases if folded. Wrap noodle with your left over batting to protect the quilts. Again. the dollar store has these in season right now
* Extra quilt squares ...join them together to make a charity quilt!
email me if anyone would like to know how Doug created this :-)
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