Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Hey quilters....I hope all is going well....we're finally having some nice weather in Texas! I love this time of year...I quilt & garden! Recently was discarding my rotary cutting blades and wanted to do a "shout out" to all you fellow quilter's & crafter's. Well.....first of all I have a confession...."I'm obsessed with Nutella." So when I discovered the jar was a safe way to discard my blades, I,! Not only am I being safe but I don't feel so "guilty" finishing the jar! :-) I did post this tip last year but felt the need to share again. Blades are so sharp and throwing them in the trash can be hazardous.
Also, here's another O.C.D. tip for you...when I use a blade on fabric and it starts to dull a bit, I then put it in a separate jar labeled for "paper." Usually you can use them a while longer on paper items. I tend to be so precise when cutting fabric that I keep my blades very sharp. Kudos to all of you that sharpen your blades. I'm not that brave! :-)
Anyway....keep following 'cause we have a huge project coming soon that I'm very excited about. I've been gearing towards simplifying home décor items with a quilt flair! I know were all busy & I especially need some time saving short cuts these days.

Blessed Quilting from my Home to Yours,

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